Parkside Suite Latest News

Here you can enjoy informative articles on various different topics, from healthy living and lifestyle to services we offer at the Parkside Suite.

Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease
Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease
What is GORD? 1 in 4 people in the UK have heartburn. GORD happens when acid and other stomach content persistently leak up from the stomach back into the food pipe (oesophagus) causing symptoms such as heartburn and regurgitation. The body has a natural anti-reflux mechanism consisting of a ring of muscles at the junction... more
Gallstones - Symptoms and Treatment Advice | Parkside Suite
Gallstones - Symptoms and Treatment Advice
About 20% of the population in the UK has gallstones. They are often diagnosed via... more
Amenity Beds | Parkside Suite
NHS Treatment - Private Room
The privacy of a single en-suite room whilst receiving NHS Treatment Amenity beds... more
Flu and Covid Vaccines | Parkside Suite
Protect Yourself This Season: Flu and COVID Vaccinations Available
As we head into the colder months, it’s important to take proactive steps to... more
Liver Clinic at Parkside Suite
Are you looking after your Liver?
Parkside Frimley and Parkside Wexham are offering ‘liver health screening packages’... more
Physiotherapy at Parkside Suite
Parkside Heatherwood Expanding Private Physiotherapy Outpatient Service
Our Physiotherapy Team can now accept referrals for the following: Musculoskeletal... more
Muzzafer Chaudery | Vascular Surgeon | Parkside Suite Heatherwood | | Ascot, Berkshire
Parkside Heatherwood Launching New Varicose Veins Clinic
On Friday 27th September 2024, the Varicose Veins Clinic will be offering Sclerotherapy... more
Breast Reduction | Parkside Suite
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery has many physical and psychological benefits for patients,... more
Hip Replacement | Parkside Suite
Hip Replacement
If your hip is causing pain that is interfering with your ability to exercise or... more
Adenomyosis - what is it? | Parkside Suite
Adenomyosis - what is it?
You have probably heard of Endometriosis – but what about its ‘poor cousin’ that... more
Varicose Veins | Parkside Suite
Varicose Veins
Varicose veins come in all shapes and sizes. In some people they can cause large... more
Foot Surgery | Parkside Suite
There’s not much you can do for feet, is there?
This is something we often hear patients say, but it’s a common misconception, along... more
New Horizons in Cataract Surgery | Parkside Suite
New Horizons in Cataract Surgery
Your lens, which helps you focus, is removed during cataract surgery and is replaced... more

All content contained within the Parkside Suite Blog is provided for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of a doctor or other healthcare professional.